Blog | Hyde IBS

Diamonds Are a Blade’s Best Friend

Diamonds are a blade’s, or a circular knife’s, best friend. Hyde Industrial Blade Solutions is the best friend to a company that uses diamond blades.

That’s because Hyde is the place to go for rim steel cores, the ones that can be equipped with diamonds. Our cores can be made within plus or minus .0005 inches in thickness.

A sheet of paper is only 0.0039 inches thick.

That small number means Hyde manufactures quality rim steel cores.

Since antiquity, diamonds have been known for their hardness. In fact, they are the hardest of any known bulk material as well as the hardest naturally occurring substance on both the Vickers and Mohs scales.

Remember, the hardest diamonds can only be scratched by other diamonds.

Diamonds get their name from the Greek word for “unbreakable.” Yet, historians believe the mineral was first identify (and mined) in India beginning 6,000 years ago.

While diamonds are famous for adorning jewelry, they also have many industrial uses. Thanks to their rigidity they are used to cut the most abrasive materials in the world.

Diamond circular blades cut concrete, masonry, stone, and tile. That’s the heavy cutting. A precision diamond blade can be used to surgically slice ceramics, glass, precious metals, and silicon.

What do all of the aforementioned materials have in common? While some are very difficult to cut, all are tough on the circular knife used to cut them.

That’s why you need a quality steel core. That’s why you need Hyde.

Hyde will use high grade tool steel to make your diamond core. We keep a variety of this type of steel in stock so we’re always ready to manufacture your circular knife.

High grade tool steel is ideal for diamond cores because it has the stability to hold tight tolerances. Hyde can produce diamond cores from 2 inches to 24 inches in diameter. The diamond core can be as thick as .375 inches.

Besides making a quality circular blade for your diamonds, or your clients’ diamonds, Hyde can also add center holes, slots, pinholes, keyhole, v-slots, and noise reduction slots.

If there’s something else you need, design-wise, that we didn’t mention, let us know. Hyde is not only in the circular knife business, we’re also in the solution business.

If you need a rim steel core, or a circular knife on which to add diamonds, look no further than Hyde Industrial Blade Solutions. To find out more about diamond cores, contact us here.

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