Hyde specializes in providing high-performance blades for the converting industry, where bulk materials are transformed into finished products like sandpaper and printer paper. We offer a wide range of blades including scoring, slitter, and core cutter knives, designed to boost productivity and extend service life. Hyde delivers blades that ensure minimal downtime and optimal performance, helping to enhance your operation’s efficiency and profitability.

Optimized Blades for Superior Performance
We supply a range of common blades to the conversion industry, including scoring blades, slitter blades, core cutters, creaser blades, perforation wheels, crush cutters, sheater knives, and trimmer knives. Critical factors such as steel choice, edge finish style, bevel angle, edge thickness, surface micro finish, hone technique, flatness, and side run-out significantly impact blade performance.
Share your cutting challenges with us, and we will build a blade that meets your needs. With over a century of experience in providing the right specifications, Hyde ensures optimal performance.

We service all segments of the converting industry
Recovered Paper
Graphic Paper
Converting Brands Using Hyde Blades

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